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Development Services

Harbor View Heights #1 Card 5

HARBOR VIEW HEIGHTS #1 CARD 5.tif HARBORVIEW HEIGHTS #1 Lot 2o6- Pennit to John R. & Patricia Atkinson to constr Lane. Zone R-1-5. c-8823 ~ card# residence patio addn at 3187 Wayne 8-8-68 Lot 207- Pennit to Farrell & Rita Boley to constr 10' x 49' patio addn to exist sin fem dwet addn to result in approx 421, lot cov where 4Clfo is penn at 3191 Wayne Lane, betw Driscoll Dr. and Avati Dr. Zone R-l-5. Cond'l. c-9283 5-23-69 Lot 198- Pennit to Denver & Shirley Braden to erect approx 150' of 6 1 hi wood fence, 16' to obs 4 1 SB on Wayne Lane, where a max 3' hi fence is penn in 10' estab SB at 3131 Wayne Lane on south side and north side of Driscoll Dr. Zone R-1-5. c-10851 N.H. 11-1-71 Lot 194- Permit DENIED to Anton c. & Maureen Keller to convert two car garage to a bedroom and laundry room of exist sin fam dwell, and to provide two tandem parking spaces where no tandem parking is perm. at 3147 Driscoll Dr betw Huerfano Ave. and Avati Dr. Zone R-1-5.,d.) C-12917 12-13-74-~__:/-,7:7S----------------------------------------------------------------------- LOT 17()- AGREEMENT with JOHN AND TAKAKO COOK to install a maximum 12 1 x 12 1 bar sink in living room of existing single-family residence, located at 3199 Brillden Court. Rl-5000 Zon AGREEMENT NO. A-5382 7/10/92-----------------------------------------------------------------------------