Harbor Crest #3
HARBOR CREST #3.tif Lot 49- Permit DENIED to Dr. John & Elizabeth Meyers to const 11' x 58 1 deck addn on lot with exist sin fam dwell; deck to obs 3' rear yd where 20' is req; deck to have 5' wood & glass fence at 2123 Balfour Ct. betw Edgeworth Rd. & Soledad Mt. Rd., Zone R-1-10. C-9972 Im 7-1-70 Lot 67- Permit to Ronal.d and Emily Ann Hubbard to construct a sin fam res, gar and deck resulting in 45.9~ lot coverage where 4~ is perm, and.373 floor area ratio where max.35 is perm; deck with 5' high fence on top thereof to obs an 18 1 rear yard where 26 1 is req, and a 0 1 interior side yard on the west side and a 3 1 interior side Y&l::d on1.he' west side and a 3' interior side yard on the east side where 6 1 is req; at 2169 Belloc Ct. betwn F.d.geworth Rd. and end of cul-de-sac, Zone R-l-10- Cond 1l. C-12,167 9-ll-73 Lot 51- Permit to Robert S. & Linda L. Brown to constr sin-fam dwell obs 16 1 front yd where 20 1 is estab. at 2155 Balfour Ct, Zone R-1-10. C-13,829 NH 8-16-76