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Development Services

Hanco Terrace

HANCO TERRACE.tif BANCO TERRACE-Lot 4- Permit to Donald A. & Lydia H. Doering to erect approx 67 1 of 5' high board fence on top of exist retaining wall ranging in height from 0 1 to 6 1 'Where a 6 1 high fence above adj bround level is perm, at 2105 Hartford St., end of st., Zone R-1-5, condl. Case No. 7527 12/13/65--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 3, CUP was approved with conditions, WAYNE & MAGDELINA LIVINGSTON request- ed to construct aguest quarters with a full bathroom above a detached garage where such use is permitted by ClJP only at 4756 Orten Street, Rl-5000 Zone 98-0135 3-18-98