Griffith Industrial Tract
GRIFFITH INDUSTRIAL TRACT.tif GRIFFITH!NDUSTRM:L TRACT 001#111 ~ ~--17#q, Permit to Griffith Company to (1) erect a 6 1 high, solid chain link fence around perimeter of property in back of required landscape strip, where a 3' high wall or fence only is perm- itted in 20' established SB; (2) eliminate 5' of required 10' landscape strip on SE property line, but to provide 5' of landscaping on public right-of-way, where alO' landscape strip is required in back of property line adjacent to all street,s roads & highways; at 1501 Frazee Road, at the NW corner of its intersection with Murray Canyon Road, in the M-lA Zone condl C-9200 N.H. 3-28-69 Being a division of lot 1. PM 15627 recorded 4/5/89