Grantville Industrial Tract
GRANTVILLE INDUSTRIAL TRACT.tif GRANrv, LLE, NousrR 1AL TRAcr oc:,i,q1:, $ J~ <1-r13q Lot 7- Permit to Lawrence Bailey to erect I 7'7" x 8'xl7'3" hi dbl faced gr sign to obs a 5' setback where 25' is reqd., at 5995 Mission Gorge Rd., Zone M-lA. C-15581 13/13/78------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- ZA DENIED request of SHATTUCK TRUST, owner; AMERICAN ASSETS, INC. purchaser- to constr. 2, one-story and one, two-story industrial buildings; the one-story bldgs to observe 18 1 side yds at closest point; the two-story bldg.-to constr, exterior stair from the first floor to second floor observing a 22' side yd; trash enclosures and electrical panels to observe 16' interior side yd. at closest point where 25' side yds. are reqd. at 4552-98 Alvarado Canyon Rd., Zone M-lA; C-18930 9/13/85 Lot 1- CASE TABLED- case was continued to an office hearing from hearing date of 7-29-88, applicant didn't show for office hearing. C-19946 5-26-89 Lot 2- ZA APPROVED request of CASTER FAMILY ENTERPRISES, OWNER; CHURCH ON THE MOVE, LESSEE'., to maintain the operayion of a church facility within an existing industrial building where such use is permitted by CUP only at 4562 Alvarado Canyon Road, M-lA Zone. Conditions. C-21O51 5-14-93