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Development Services

Glenclift Subdivision

GLENCLIFT SUBDIVISION.tif GLENCLIFT SUBDIVISION Lot 138_ Permit to Hobart Inv. Co. to oper tract rental otfice in one unit of duplex at 4706 Guymon St., cond'l Res. 1'o. 8335 7/7/54 Lot 122- Z.A. considered request of T.W. & Ann Bohannon, owner & A.R. Wylie, lessee to erect & maintain for a per of 1 y~, one dbl-faced, post-mounted, 6 1 x 10' x 10' high subd. directional sign to advertise "Emerald Riviera", a new subd. located mile E. at Hilltop Dr. & Carolina Ln., where max 16 sq ft sign offering premises for sale or lease is perm, at SE cor 47th St. & Hilltop Dr., Zone R-2, and has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED_a_4'_x_8'_x_10 1_high_sign,_cond'l.__________ case#9957_N.H. (~-%~;31L!o~&tJJ