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Development Services

Genesse Commercial Center Card 3

GENESSE COMMERCIAL CENTER CARD 3.tif.. 6ENE&EE COMMERCIAL CENTER 49.,. ~- CARD #3 Lot 3 (par. 1, 2 & 3, Parcel Map #4418) Permit to Collins Dev. Co., Robert A. Collins, & Jerome E. Fee ta erect (1) sign A- 9' x 12'-6" ground sing; (2) sign C- 2' x 6' (X & Y location), (3) 2 signs D-5' JO" x 5'-6" (directory); (4) 2 signs E- 5'-3" x 2'-2" (identifi- cation) total 207 sq. ft, of ground & wall signs where maximum 515 sq. ft. of wall signs only are perm at Governor Dr & Agee St. Zone CN .,;;_-,tc-,_-~ _-e_-~_ 7-/1/ 7 8 (7-/~_7 7)__________ C-13,685----------------------7-1 4-76------- ~ot 2- ZA APPR9VED request of KENNETH CLEMENTS, OWNER: THRIFTY CORPORATION, LESSEE to install a satellite antenna on a roof at 4077 Governor Drive, CA zone with cond. C-20107 12/6/88---------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1- Planning Commission GRANTED CUP request of UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, to add a third lube bay to an existing two lube bay service station, remove one canopy and pump island and remodel two additional pump islands located at the southeast corner of Genessee Ave. and Governor Drive, CA Zone. Conditions. 85-0781 1/30/86--------------------------------------------------------------------------------