Gardner's Addn. Block 9
GARDNER'S ADDN. BLOCK 9.tif,GAil.ilf:lER' 3 ADD.. TI(N BLOCK 9 Lot J- Permit to 1,: ,.; Johnson, owner & F F Johnson lessee, to q1e:ate exist laundry at) 246-18 th St, with 50 h,p, & 20 employees. ii'.es.No 14u0 4-ll-46 Lot 10- Gond'l per@it to W t;!Iohnson, owner &?:' Johnson lessee to constr 40 1x60 1 quonset hut with concrete floor & use for o,:erating exist dry cleaning equipment in connection wi ti an exist laundry provided prop is c:.Ceaned up and all debris removed. J 2h6- J 8tb "',t. Res lfo, 2J 27 '3 2.7-47 Lot 10- Permit gr.~nt~ to 1:: \; Johnson & F E Johnson to const 10 1xl5' cement block add. to exist. dry cleanin.lant to house mercury dry cleming unit, rear of 1246-lBth St. No, 2350 7-2-47 Lot 4- Cond 11 perijli.t to E? Thayer to mainta...n la t,:ing & plastering contractor I s storage < yard, 1230-J8tb st Res No 3761 5-4-49 Lot 10- Permit to;;; Johnson,,f.rj,~ff owner & F r.: c'.ohn.:on, lessee, to erect 12'x25' corrugated metal addition to exist, dry clean. plant for.i-orage, etc. rear af 1246-18th St. Lot 3- Permit to 11, 1,: &.. inifred Johnson to bebld non-conf laundry, destroyed 80~ b.i- fire with 5Q h,p. & 20 emp, 1246 18th;,t. rtes I\o 7287 4-1-5'3