Gardner's Addn. Block 6
GARDNER'S ADDN. BLOCK 6.tif m.c CK 6 elk 6, Lot b- (Ord. 938J) suspenaed to allow bldg to the.frcnt pro,. line. ~ermit to L. P, KeJJey, il.e,, 4 7961 J J-l'j-2cl Elk 6, Lot 4..,5- (9383) suspended for t;:,.rage on the prsperty line, permit to J. J. datclifJ Lot&J 1-..) (South 40 ft)- iermit to;:, n Taliaferro co c cnstruct a 10-unit multiple dwelling en i;he west side of 15th Jt. between A & B Streets with 60;a coverage (1(1,t exce;,s) Lots 1-j (South 40)- "mends rtes ho:i.400 to reau as follcws: Permit to i i-i Taliaferro to constr a lQ-unit n:ultiple dwelling on west side of 15th St between A &.6 Sts. with 60% covera1;e & maintain les~ thr,n:_1 10 1 court width, as shown on plat on file in ilan. JJept .. ~_Mi~ No 1597 6-20-46 Lots 1,2 (ho. 50') & tr1e;:o, 50' of the E 10 1 of Lot 3---ond 1l permit to Ira T. and Patricia.Ci;;nitney, owners,,md n;: Coggeshall, lessee, to conduct a;a,king lot at l:;cth and A $ts- lfo 232$ 6 J 9~1.;:71 South 40 1 of Lots 1-3- to ii. H and Lilly K Taliaferro, owners,.ond " F Simons, lessee, to o;erde an l'/, automobile parking lot, 1;est sioe of 15th 3t, 140 ft. south of A-,t. provided,__i_ciled or surfaced..'tes No?Lili 9 8-18-47