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Gardner's Addn. Block 15

GARDNER'S ADDN. BLOCK 15.tif., G An.DEER' 5 WLITIC K BLl CK 15 Lots 1-2 & S 1{3 of E 10 1 of Lot 3 (excpt~ S 22 1)- c0nd'l_ pe,~t to \:aenita slinger to conat, 18 1 x.18 1 add to exist bldg, 2 1 sideyard, 1146-15tn St. Lots 8-10- Permit to Louis Bach to alt int of e xis sin fam res obs 2' side;;-ard- inal of kitchen & bthrm on K 40 1 of E: 10 1 of Lot 8 & N 40' of Lots 9 & 10, Zone C:,t 1130 15th st.,. case 4151 6-12-61 Lots 8-10- Permit to Louis Bach to const worksho,, addn to dwell which obs 2 1-6 11 side yard; and to obs all ~-d re,w.rerr.ent.;; on N 40 1 of i:.ast L; 1 of Lot 8 & N 4D I of Lots 9 8- 10, t JJJQ.,J 5th St, c Zone. C:ase 4803 j-1,;;-62 2T