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Gardner's Addn. Block 13

GARDNER'S ADDN. BLOCK 13.tif GAn-UNE~ tc; ADQT'i'I\,N ;i,OCK J 3 e Permit to Theron McDaniel & \-/m J Harner to erect 30x50 ft add to laundry on Lot l, Blk 13, G,1rdne> 1.s;act. subject to;,rch, appL Res 76770 4-2.8-42 Lots 1 & 2- Condl Jsermit to 'lrn cT.Sr., & Kathryn H,mer to const 6' 1,ieh redwood fence on:j;op of an exist, 4 1 retainint,;,iall & add a 15" ccnc.cete ~lock.vall on por of free- stimding wi-!ll 9' hi at 17th St tetw E & C Sts., '"one C.,.,, 'I',' Lot 1- l-ermit, to m J icet,ier to rna.'ce alte..c.tions to ldry & dry clc,,,r.in__ bus, having max of Wb p. & 50 ep. S, cor 17th & b.'ts,, C, cond' 1 Ca~~:;o. 156:l 12-,dJ-57 27