Fortune Park Unit# 5
FORTUNE PARK UNIT# 5.tif FORTUNE PARK #5 00~011-00~ I $'0 175''3 A ~ Lot 409- Permit to Merritt T. & bonnie D. Turner to maintain 34' of an existing 5 1611 high redwood fence, obs 10 1 frnt yd, where a 3 1 hi fnce only is permitted within req 15 1 frnt yd, at 1034 Darwin Pl. betw Arey Dr. & Uarwin Ave, R-1-5 ~one. Case #8971 10-29-68 Lot 448- Z.A. considered app of Francisco S & Rosalia Abalos to (1) erect approx 4o of concrete block pillars witn wrougnt iron fence betw 4' ni, obs O' front yd on Darwin Ave. wnere a max 3' ni fence is perm in 15 ft. req front yd; and (2) erect approx 76 ft of ret wall approx 6 ft hi obs O' st side yd on Piccard Ave, wnere a max 3 ft hi wall is perm i:l in 10 ft req st side yd; on 3905 Darwin Ave, SE cor Darwin Ave & Piccard Ave.,Zone R-1-5; nas made tne following decision:(l) DENIED as req, but APPROVED 4 ft. hi pillars witn decorative lamps on top tnereof and witn 3 ft ni wrougnt iron fence betw obs O' front yd on Darwin Ave;(2) DENIED as req, but APPROVED 76 ft. of 3 ft. nigh ret wall witn 3 ft. ni screen block on top tnereof, obs O' st side yd on Piccard Ave. Cond'l. Case No. 10260 12-28-70 Lot 461- Agreement with Francisco and Pilar Cuen to construct a second story above an existing garage. Second story to contain a recreation room with wet bar, two bedrooms and full bath. Second story accessed from new stair in garage and through first story dining room, located at 4015 Darwin Avenue, Rl-5000 zone. Agreement #4284 5-23-89 Lot 456- Agreement with Arthur & Velia Lopez to construct a 2nd story addition with exterior 1 access and interior access from family room, addition to include a full bath at 3979 Darwin Avenue, Rl-5000 zone. Case# A-4617 5/08/90 'I