Fortuna Park Addn. Block 18
FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 18.tif ~ORTUNA PARK ADDITION BLOCK 18 Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Roy E. & Lee Ann Johnson to convert existing detached garage to bedroom & bath; existing garage now observes 0' sideyard & new conversion will observe 0' sideyard where 3' is required at 3975 Kendall St. betw Fortuna Ave. & Roosevelt Ave; Zone R-4., condl C-9236 4-16-69 '1 Lot 40- Permit APPROVED by ZA to MARIANNE MUNSELL to construct an addition to bathroom of existing single-family dwelling resulting in 44% lot coverage where maximum 40% is permitted, at 3962 Sequoia Street, Zone R-2A. Conditions. C-17292 NH 6-29-81 Lots 25 & 26- ZA DENIED variance request by Gary & Christine Young by APPROVED to maintain a second story dwelling observing a 3'3" rear yard where 4'0" is required, subject to conditions, located at 1822 Roosevelt Street, zone R-1500 zone. C-20001 7_25_88 Lots 5 & 6- ZA DENIED the amendment sought by Harvey & Paula Ramsum, owners; George & Mary Lu Rasor, purchasers to maintain the bedroom and bath conversion to a separate dwelling unit observing (1) O'O" side yard where 4 1 0" side yard is required; and (2) 1 1 911 rear yard where 4'0" rear yard is required, located at 3975 Kendall Street, R-1500 zone, C-9236-12-16-88