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Development Services

Fortuna Park Addn. Block 16

FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 16.tif FORTUNA PARK ADDITION BLOCK 16 7 Lots l- 18 (also Lots l- 12, Block 26)- Permit to Blackwell, Ferrari & Rose, Inc., owner, & Mr. R. E. Bessette, jiurch, to const apt units with parking to obs 111 from face of curb and.3' inside prop line where 181 from face of curb is req, in.3800 & 3900 blks of Jewell St., betw Fortuna Ave. & Roosevelt Ave., & La Playa Ave., ~one R-4. Case No. 8889 N.H. 9-16-68-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 19-24- Permit to Mary Anna,eterson to constr a 22 unit apt bldg witha 41 balcony to obs 12' frnt yd where 15 1 is req and a 4' balcony to obs an 8 1 strt siae yd where 101 is req; and to constr a 22 unit apt bldg with 13 off strt prkng spaces in front yd, 11 spaces to obs 111 from curb line where 18 1 is req at the Northeast corner of Jewell St. and Roosevelt Ave. Zone R- C-8 6 N.H. & 8 6 N.H. 12-20-68 Lots 30-, Lots 1-6, Blk 27, Lots 1-2, Blk 17- Permit to Friends of Handicapped Children to const & oper residential care home for handicapped individuals with day care & recreational facilities, east & west sides of Shasta St betw Fortuna & Roosevelt Avenues, Zone R-2A. 444-PC 1-27-76