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Fortna Park Addn. Block 19 Card 1

FORTNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 19 CARD 1.tif EOiiTJTFA Pb+1,K ADDITION F;,La;K 19-Lots 25 & Sly 22' of 26- Kirgin H. Pope to maintained.stint; sinr fa.mies with l'.i.:sht develop accordin to the limitations of i,-4, Block 19. #(to~ Lot 26, exc.::ily 22' & all 27- Harvin H. Pope to develop according to the limi#.tation:; of l:(-4 zone, S-307 6- 2-55 v'liots 21-24, W50'- Permit to Harry & Marry Coleman to consta a 12' x 37' covered patio addn to exist sin fam res, posts of addn to obs 6" front yd where 15' is req & to obs 6" interior sideyd where 3' is req at jft 3905 Sequoia St. betw Fortuna & Roosevelt Ave., Zone R-4., condl C-9829 5-1-70----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V W 50' of Lots 21-24- Penni t to Harry & Mary Coleman to convert exist 11' x 28' open patio to fem room addn to exist sin fem dwell; addn to obs 6" front yard wnere 15' is req at 3905 Sequoia St betw Roosevelt and Fortuna Avenues. Zone R-4. C-ll.034 2-8-72-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 15-16- z.A. considered the request of Paul & Johanna Lisa to constr 108 sq. ft, porch addn to exist sin fem dwell; addn to obs a 10 front yard where 15' is req and result in 41'1, cov wnere max 401, is perm, at 3935 Sequoia St. betw Roosevelt Ave. and Fortuna Ave. Zone R-2A, and has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED (1) unroofed front porch addn (2) 5' x 9' bath addn encroaching 8" into req 15' front yard. Cond '1. c-12867 11-21-74-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7