Florence Heights Addition Block 3 Card 1
FLORENCE HEIGHTS ADDITION BLOCK 3 CARD 1.tif FLiliEI\(;"' LL ii'i:3.@JN Lot.31 ~ ondi ti onal re;-,Elir ousines0, art i:31'..CK 3 rermi t to;r;ary C.,.r;C: rtobert.. yne:'ox, to ccnduct a time, in an exi:.;tini' c rage at 4088,-.lbatro3s.,t. rt.e3 l,o 947 5-jl-45 CARD4fl (, tyi:e.-;ri ter Lots 4.,.5-,ennit to Hrs. Alice R. Clark to conc,t. oedroom ad:1. to exist. e,ldg. L,077 Brant, t. re 1 yard 7 16 11 ct,es \'o 'i841 4-25,!;m9_ Lot 9- Fermit to,'oser:h i:, Hazel b,:rni;.;e to const liv unit allove 3 c.r 1,;ar., nc.kinz total of J liv units, 2 served i,;, u' acc~ss ct., 4049 '"'rant_,t .----------- ~--- f:.e:3J,9_._ %16 lU-~l4=---5.,_.,_5_________ ~ Lota 10-13- Permit to Er. Ii.. bruce brown to erect a 7 1 to 8 1 r1igh semi-circular masonry wallc& s airs, a;,rox., 3' to 4 1 of;,.,.11 to oe retaining & 4' to 51 above p/.f'/, highest grade obs 12 1,)B ir.i'iere a ma.x J I hit-:h wall is perm in a.rer a:. olk 15' oB; exist 5' hit;h wall en ~rent;:rot- line tc be remcved at 402.3-4035 1rant.:;t. in the 1i.-4 zone, cond'J. Ca$JLKQ_..__]_;J,D_____ b-4-65