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Development Services

Fleischer's Addn. (Lots Without Block Numbers) Card 3

FLEISCHER'S ADDN. (LOTS WITHOUT BLOCK NUMBERS) CARD 3.tif FLEISCHEri' S ADuITICN (Lots without block numbers) Card /, 3 Por Lot 1- feruit to liercy Hospit:J.l to const c.: o,erate a 4:,6 bed hospital locc1ted on both sicies of Hillcrest Dr., betw & Lewis 3t., eeing a por of Fleis cner I s Addn. in the n.-4 Lone. CUP Case r.4984 7/2';,/62 Lots 17, 18, 19, 20-?erruit to Imperial Contracting Co., Ir;c. to const apt house obs 0 1 SB from 6th,\ve., 1;1here aver S:f the block of 15 1 is req, south of 4201-6th Ave. Zone tl.-4, Cond' l case #5285 11/13/62 Por-?ermit to Hercy hospital to c6nsf " oper a 4;> 6 bed hospital located on bott, sicies of Hillcrest Dr. betw V/ashington:,t. &: Lewis S+ , Zones n-4 & C, Condl. /J:-v,-,,L.,,_,,./- 9-lf-7?-, C. U, Case ff5816 7/22jo'j A.bC fi, Al~DED to read::;err:rission granted l-1erc,:,c Hosp to canst & operate 436-bed hosp & 50-bed psychiatric unit at a location on both sides of Hillcrest Dr. betw 'dashington ~t. & La-,ds St. in Mercy Subd. Lots 16, 17, 18, b, 20- AGil.J::i;i-SNT;'.1248 to Dar.crial Contr Co.- 21-unit apt w/parking on other lots, 4149 Sixtr1 Ave. 5/24/63 Lot 41- X Permit to Bernard & Leota Haibrecnt to (1) const 9 unit apt bldg obs 5' frnc yd; wbere 15' front yd is req; (2) erect retaining wall on nortn prop line ranging in nt to 8 '2", where 6' hi retain wall only is perm in req 3' s ideyd at 4045 8tn Ave. betw Wasnington St. *& J1J 9tb Ave., Zone R-4 condl C-9240 4-23-69