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Development Services

Fleetridge #8 Card 1

FLEETRIDGE #8 CARD 1.tif FLEEIIRIDGE #8 Ca.rd #1 Lot 375- Permit to Don Augustine to erect 6 1 hi link and wood fence (el.y 39' to be wood) on Nl.y side of lot, obs l' SB on Hill st. (12' SB req) & erect 6 1 hi wood fence on top of 11' bank on rear of prop line, overall ht 17' above grade & 11' above aver adj grade level; also maintain 8 1 patio fence with 10' SB from Hill St at 1033 Albion St, Zone R-1. C-4182 N,H. 7-13-61-----------------------------------------------------------------,------------------------- Lot 377- Permit to Edward and Annabelle Feeney to erect 5' hi grapestake fence on top of exist ret wall ranging from 42" to 6 1; grapestake fence and ret wall aver in ht 6 1-9" to 8 1 above aver adj grade level at 1015 Albion St, Zone R-1. c-4299 1-27-61 "'- Lot 390- Permit to W. Battaglia to constr activity room with bar sink addn to sin 'f fa.m res at 1122 Albion St, Zone R-1-5, AGREE #1383 5-7-65 ' Lot 362- Fermi t to Jenkins L. & Doris Schley to cons tr 24' x 28' addn to exist sin fa.m dwelJ addn to obs 8 1 rear yard where 20' is req at 1220 Concord St. betw Valemont & Canon Streets. Zone R- 1-5, Cond'l, C-11597 11-8-72-.. Lot 387- Permit to Gerald L. & Donna McMahon for perm to cons tr a 15' x 25' bedroom addn to exist sin fem dwell; addn to result in approx 42$ cov, where a max 4c,f, is pem. at 1o86 Albion St, betw Hill and Ullman Sts. in the R-1-5 zone. c-12o61 1-10-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------