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Development Services

Fiesta Time # 5

FIESTA TIME # 5.tif Fl ESTA TIME #5 LSZ-17'/f Lot 148- Permit to Philip Kenneth Liberda (I) to erect a ret wall from 0' to 3-1/2' high with a 6' high wood fence on top in rear yard on Palm Avenue, (2) to erect a 6' high wood fence obs 0' st sd yd on Churrituck Drive. 3494 Alonquin Way, Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14483 NM. 6-29-77. Lot 101- AGREEMENT with Modesta R, Jimenez to const a one-story addn to an existing, two- sotry, single-family dwelling, said addn containing a bedroom, a closet and a 3/4 bath with exterior access and interior access from an existing dining room, located at 753 Grogan Ct .;: Rl-5000 Zone, AGREEMENT //5266 02/28/92-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------