Ferrari Hodge
FERRARI HODGE.tif FERRARI HODGE Lots 2-4.: Permit to Hodge Brothers, owners and Road properties, Lessee to (1) erect one 46 sq.:f't. sin faced, non-iJ.lum ground sign, overal\ height42" on same lot with an exist 150 sq. ft. ground sign where a max square footage of' 75 sq. f't. is perm for each ground sign when two or more ground signs are on same lot; one sign to obs a 10' street side yard on: Friars Rd where 25' is required (2) to erect one 46 sq. ft. single faced, non-illum ground sign, overall height 3'-6", obs a 10' street side yard on Riverdale St. where 25' is req on property located at 10450 Friars Rd. betw Riverdale St. and Mission Gorge Rd. Zone M-lA. a,,., ~.b..L ~-~&- 73 C-13018 5-7-75