Fern Glen Colony Card 2
FERN GLEN COLONY CARD 2.tif FERN 6LEN COLONY Lot 13- H. Lee Rauch and Kathryne Booth Bauch- pati to be used as servant's qts. said addition AGR.S:fl,IENT #725 CARD #2 const bedrm and bath to eisting covered to have 8 1 rear yd, where 20 1 required May 4, 1951 Lot 13- Permit to James R. & Patricia J. Gitre to const second story bedrm and bath addn,t with outside entrance to exs guest house on a Jot w exs sfd; (I) addn to obs an 11' rear yard; (2) main two exs parking spaces. 347 Vista De La Playa. R-1-5. Permit DENIED. C-15207. 7-21-78. Lot 5- AGREEMENT with SECURITY TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BY CARLE WEIDNER as TRUSTEE of TRUST No. P.T.1701 to provide access to a SFD constructed on Parcel 2 across Parcel 1 where access is required to be direct from the public street, at 308 Vista de la Playa, Map 2347. LT 46 3/31/88 its Portion of Lot 6- Agreement with LESLIE CUMMING to remodel and construct a third-story addition to an existing two-story, single-family dwelling; said remodel and construction resulting in two master bedrooms with two full baths on the third-story, three bedrooms with two full baths and a 3/4 bath on the first-story, and a bar sink area on the second- story containing a single bar sink, maximum 1211 x 12". The aforementioned bedrooms each have exterior access and interior access from the existing second-story living room and/or kitchen at 302 Vista De La Playa, Zone Rl-5000. A-5558 4/12/93