Fairmount Add (Re-Sub Of Blks 1-12)Block 2 Card 1
FAIRMOUNT ADD (RE-SUB OF BLKS 1-12)BLOCK 2 CARD 1.tif FAIRMCUNT ADD BLOCK ~ (Resub. of Blocks 1-12) CARD #1 Block 2, Lots 135-136- Build a house, within 6 1 of front prop-line. Granted to E, D. Barrett aes 52469 12-16-29 11 fl fl 101-104- Apt-Court, set-back 5 1 from P.L. on,'teno Ave. Granted to David H. Ryan Res. 57236 9-2l-?l Lots 154 & 155- Permit to Allen A. &?r3,Ilces Whaley to build sleeping porch add. on re;,r of house,-ihich is only a bout three feet from the house on the front of the Jot, 38'38-49th St.., Res 700 8-l7-44 Lots 120 and 121- Fermi t to Charles ';;. DeWitt to remodel exist. garages under an apt. at 4813 to 4817 Reno Drive into 4th living unit on prop., with a 9 ft. access CQl)rt to rear units. Res No. 1187 lL,..8-4.5_______ Lots 58 & 59- Permit to J,unes E. Reading, o-1ner, & \falter F. Lutes, pur. to erect sing. fam. res. with 6 1 setback, N side of Auburn Dr. approx. 950' E of Euclid ...._________________________...,,e~sc_j;J~oC.R_-l.J-'85 4-6-:.."'-- <--------_/Lots 142-143- Permit to Benj & Sylvia Gottfryd to erect res & gar, 10 1 setback, E side Estrella._J,QQI.J? QLJJ.rdv.___ Res JJq, 4935_____ 8-2~-59,._______ Lots 161 & 162- Permit to E H & T-helma Thatcher to rebuild g2r foundation havini:c 7" side yd 3808-49th st. Hes No. 0496 5-28-52 Lots 18 & 19- Fern.it to John Jed.lack to move 24 1 x 31 1 one-story sin. fam. res. from 1205 51st. St. to ,324 v,inona St. HM Res, 2028 11-4-54 Lot 100 & Sv!ly por Lots 101-1Q4, R/S 37~0- ~erruit to James B. Werr.ier, ~essee; Jos. Giesen,_ owner~ 'to operate cabinet shop in exist. bldg max. 8 h.p. interior storage max. 3u00 bd rt. lumber no ext. sot., hrs 8a.m. to 5p.m. 3883 Euclid Ave. C zone. cond'l Case 3013 12-24-59