Fairmount Add Block 18
FAIRMOUNT ADD BLOCK 18.tif j FAlru'lCUNT i,.DDITICN.oLOCK 18 Menlo, University & Polk Res No. 60697 9-11-33 Lots 31-34- R.-4 (Oed.. 13057) suspended to,:ermit operation of bottle exchange, prarided business is conduct,:;d in;;ide buildin~. Pend.t to 3adie Clausen. by H. E. McDonald. Lots 5-6- Permit to 1',rank Iaco, operatcr & Paul Iaco, owner, to store painters e11dpment in.exist. garage, 407.5~46th Ave.;gn'l-.... Hes No. 3730 3=1~9. Lots 22, 23 and 24- Permit APPROVED by ZA to LARRY HAYS to erect a 68 sq. ft. double- faced roof sign where a 37.5 sq. ft. sign is the maximum permitted, at 4604 University Avenue, Zone C. Conditions. C-17456 11-13-81 Lots 5 & 6- ZA has APPROVED w/cond. the request of EUGENE T. & NENITA D, SMITH- to increase the residents of an existing residential care facility from seven to eleven where such requires a CUP, at 4075 46th St., Map 1035, MR-1500B zone. C-19805 12/11/87