Fairmount Add Block 13
FAIRMOUNT ADD BLOCK 13.tif q,IfiGK J 3 Lot 7- 3869 47th Street- R-4, (Ord. 13057) suspended for paint shop. Permit to C. Grisette, above address. Permit expires "pril 9, 19.35. Res r:o. 615'39 4-9-r;4 Ely 100 ft. of Lots 47 & 48- Cond 11 permit to Paul D. Dinant, owner and N. J. Nellans, lessee, to use a por. of store/ bldg.,36 1x50'~ 4741 University Ave. for the rug & sale (retail & wholesale) of lenetian Blinds_________________________.,,,,_~ 1110 9-2-45