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Development Services

Fabulous 5 - 7 Subd. Map 6337

FABULOUS 5- 7 SUBD. MAP 6337.tif Lot 1 & Lot 1 of Fabulous Inas Subd. Map 6478- SEE FABULOUS INNS SUBD. MAP 6478 C-9437 N.H. 9-29-69 Lot 1 & Lot 1, Fabulous Inns Subd., Map 6478------------- C-9815-----5:4-70__________ ~~us i~s ~ ~~., MAP 64 78 ~ ~-~ t_ 70.,.--------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1 & Lot 1, Fabulous Inns Subd., Map 6478 C-9849 5-18-70 SEE FABULOUS INNS SUBD., MAP 64 78 Lot 1-& Lot 1, Fabulous Inns Subd., Map 6478 c-9858 5-22-70--- SEE FABULOUS INNS SUBD., Map 64 78-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot l- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to William A. & Elmira G. Milligan (Parcel #1), Fabulous Inns of America (Parcel #2); Richard D. and Sophie V. THU (Parcel #3) to erect approximate! 333' of 8 1 high block wall observing a 0' setback along Taylor Street off-ramp where a 6 1 high wall is permitted at 2485 Hotel Circle P1ace, Zone CR. Condition. CASE 16572 NH 1-16-80 Application withdrawn per phone conversation with Terry Kitaen representing applicant, COMFORT INNS. MAGANBHAI N. & ASHABEN M. PATEL (COMFORT INN) requested to construct a 6' high 60 sq ft double-faced ground sign: 1) observing a 0' front yard where a maximum height of 3' is permitted, and 2) where a 33 sq. ft. double faced sign is permitted at 2485 Hotel Circle Place MV-CV Zone C-21371 6-3-96 "-]\