Ex Rancho Mission Subd Lot 38
EX RANCHO MISSION SUBD LOT 38.tif 'ix RANC-Ho M1ss10N sua-: Loi 'a'$ z,,,.-- w I Por. of- Permit to St. Paul Baptist Church of San Diego, Inc. (Rev. H. Blackman) t/:> / construct church on parcel split out after original zon, but prior to 12-5-54 east-- @nd of "J" St at 44th St, Zone R-2, cond' I Case. 2188 12-$6-58 Appealed to change 50ft. wide strip for future st. along N end of prop be deeded to City Zon Admin. overruled & appeal sustained on cond. that no structures be erected, on Nly 65 ft. 1-28-59