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Development Services

Encanto Plaza Annex #1(See Horton's Purchase Lot 13)

ENCANTO PLAZA ANNEX #1(SEE HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT 13).tif IICAJl'l'O PLAZA ADIX fl (SEE HORTOO'S PURCHASE LOT 13) Lot l- Permit to Leon Hubbard, Jr. to erect 105 aq 1't aiZJgle-taced interior illUlllinated srouad sip w/3141't "Enter 63rd St" intel"llit lipted arrown and oonstant lighted aip above; top of sing approx 18 aboTe grade where aax 4o aq. fi. Bing attached to tae face of the building and not projectiq am ve parapet or e&Tit iB pel'II; Bing to &d6 vertiae "a-it Trailer Park". at 402- 63rll St., 400 1 S ot Imperial. Ave. R-4 Zoae Cond'l cue So. 6432 5/28/64-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------