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Development Services

Encanto Park Addn Card 2

ENCANTO PARK ADDN CARD 2.tif---.- EJCAlf.rO P.ARK ADDI'l'IOI S 19~-1753.a. CARD 1'0. 2,. Lot 43, 44 & 45- C.U.P. to Edward J. Saith, Owner, to conatr & operate a 55-bed convalescent hoBpital. (1nc1ude the exit t&ci1ity & an addn ot 35 1:Jed8), located on E aide ot Woodlu.n St betv Ritchey St & Madrone Ave; Zone l{;,.lt,:;,".------------------------------------------------------~!-!!_!2!-22~----------~~~=!2=~~----- Lota 43., 44 & 45.- Perllit to Jldward J. Saith to comtr & operate a 60-bed conval.eacent hospital., I aide ot Woodman St betv Ritchey St & Ma.drone Ave; Zone R-4. c.u.P. 5726 11-8-63 ~!~~!-!~_!!:!~=~-{~:2:~l------~-~!:-~:-!e.!~!~_2:!~:~2__ {!!:!2=~----------------- Lot 4- Land Conservation Permit approval to M/M Margetts on the property on ~e west s Ide of Woodman St.- 312 Woodman St. LC-69. 11-15-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------...l.----------------- Lots 33 & 34- Elizabeth A. Jefford to erect and main for one year two 4 1 x8 1 by 7' high single-face freestanding, non-ilium sub directional signs at 6645 Imperial Avenue, Zone C. TABLED--4-8-77. C-14223. Lot 40- Permit to Howard and Hannah Hannibal to erect and main for one year a 2-1/2'x5 1 by 4-1/2'-high, double-faced, freestndng, non-ilium, subd directional sign advertising "Madrone Estates," 1/10 mile to the east at 405 Woodman Street. Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-14222. 4-21-77, Lots 33 and 34- Elizabeth Jefford to erect and main for one year two 41 x8 1 x8 1high, single- f aced, freestanding, non- i 11 llll subdivision direct i ona I signs, advertising "Vis ta Madrone Unit J,.Homes located 1/4 mile to the Southwest". 6645 Imperial Avenue . Zone C. Conditions. C-146651, 11-2-77. t,ff"'l(.1oj' <> /1f("1-f,) 'l""""""-":'~------:_,:-~--------".""-------=-----------_-------------:--------------_----~-:--------,..._______...,___