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Development Services

Encanto Heights Block 15 Card 1

ENCANTO HEIGHTS BLOCK 15 CARD 1.tif DCAll'l'O DIGBTS BLOCK 15 E Lot 14 & W Lot 15- Permit to Robert L. Rusconi, Owner, & J. B. Co1. 1ina1 Geo. Adalls, & Jack Staling, Purchaser, to divide E Lot 14 into 2 parce1a & W t Lot 15 into 2 parce1s & erect single tea res on ea, Wunderlin St, W of 69th St. Res. Ko. 6963 ll-12-52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------W Lot ll- Permit to Jmna D. Guay to conatr 2 single faa res on 1ot split af'ter zoning but prior to 12-5-54 on Wunder1in betw Madera & 69th St; Zone R-2. Case 1'0. 728 8-27-56------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 7- Per:dt to Benny Yee, owner & Veterans of Foreign Wars, purchaser to constr faater- na1 organ. buildings, park. spaces & recreational area where such use is not perrr~tted at the northwest corner of 69th St. & Broadway- R-2 Zone CUP Condl------------------------------------------------------G.a.s-8----8-9J,a.--------J.O-lo-68-------------- Por Lot 14- Permit to Robert W. Jones & Charles L. Olsen to main an exs sfd obs a 25' front yard sb at 6834 Wunderlin Avenue. Zone R-1-6. C-14787. 12-21-77.------------------------------------------------------------------- East half of Lot 13- Permit to EVERETT LLOYD AND EDNA L. PALMER was considered by ZA which was DENIED as requested but APPROVED two sub-standard off-street parking spaces observing 0' setback, parking area to be 18-1/2' wide and 16 1811 deep, at 6818 Wunderlin Avenue, Zone R-1-6. Conditions. c-16889 10-27-80