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Development Services

Encanto Heights Block 1

ENCANTO HEIGHTS BLOCK 1.tif DCAlffl> DIGll'l'S BLOCK 1 Lot 6- Permit to 1.. & Bessie Pearce to build a garage & storage I'll at 615- 6oth St, adj to side lot lineJ buildiIJI a total area o:r 6oo sq. rt. Res. Ko. 1182 u-8-45--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 6- Permit to L,H. & Betty Wendte to build a garage & storage ra adj to side lot_____!!~!_!~-~!2.=-~~-~:1.2!~-~-~!.!!_~_!1_~:-----~!!:-!!:.!r22____ 2:!~=~------- Lot 3- Permit to K,E.Willardaon to ll&intain l.091 6" solid fence 5' to 61 hi on top of' retain wall 12" to 30" hi, froll 61 to 81 6" hi {61 hi pers)J 701- 60th St, ZOne R-li-. case lo. 8169 6-8-67-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------