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Empire Addn. Encanto Heights Card 6

EMPIRE ADDN. ENCANTO HEIGHTS CARD 6.tif EMPIRE ADDITION EN CANTO HEIGHTS- CARD #6 ~) Parcel I PM 7098- Permit APPROVED by ZA to (I) erect a parking deck ranging in height from 31 to 9 1611 high observing 11 1 front yard where a maximum 31 high bridge is permitted in a required 25 1 front yard; (2) building to be 34 1 high where a maximum 30 1 is permitted, at 1519 Republic. St. Zone R-1-20/HR (Albert and Linda Carreon-owner; Rene and Kathleen Lop~z-p_urchaser) C-16678 Lot 47- Permit DENIED by ZA to KENNETH AND CYNTHIA ERICKSON lot, at 6005 Dipper Street, Zone R-1-20. C-16505 4/25/80 to develop property as a parking 7-18-80 BZA- Upheld decision of the ZA, and adopted his Finding of Fact, sustained and affirmed. 10-22-80. Lot 31- Permit DENIED by ZA to GEORGE AND CELIA VILLEGAS to construct a guest house on lot with existing single-family dwelling, at 1518 Weaver Street, Zone R-1-20. C-16984 10-31-80 Lots 186- 192, (excepting therefrom the south 1/2 of Lots 187 and 190, and the S 1/2 of the W 1/2 of Lot 189)- Permit GRANTED to SANDOVAL CONSTRUCTION, INC., a California Corp., owner/permitte, to construct and operate a Planned Residential Development, located south of Federal Blvd. and east of Winnett Street, Zone C-1S (proposed R-2A), and R-1-5. PRD #125 10-19-78 EXTENSION OF TIME #1 APPROVED FOR ONE YEAR ON 8/26/80 EXTENSION OF TIME #2 DENIED (ON 6-1-81)