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Development Services

Emerald Riviera

EMERALD RIVIERA.tif EMEAALD RIVIEAA ('i Lot 5- Permit to Parker-Poutous Inc. to erect & maintain for a per of 1 yr, one sin- faced, 4 1 x 8 1 x 8 1 high post-mounted sign on Lot 5 to identify sales office which wi 1 l be maintain in gar of sin fam res; such uses are perm no closer than 200' from an occupied dwell unit in another subd., at NE cor Carolina Ln. & Hilltop Dr., Zone R-1-5, cond' l. c~-:)?;-71_ 7to- 6j_.t.; Case#9956 N.1;1. 6-23-70-----------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 5- AGREEMENT to Parker-Poutous Inc. to maint temporary sales office in garage of sin fam res on the NW cor Carolina Ln & Hilltop Dr., Zone R-1-5. AC-9 6-12-70 Lots 5,6,16,15 & 25- Permit to Parker Poutous Enterprises to erect approx 180 1 of solid wood fence 5' hi obs at closest point O' street side yd where a max 3' hi fence is perm within a 10' street side yd on Carolina Ln betw Hilltop Dr & Freeway, Zone R-1-5. C-10029 NH 8-10-70