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Emerald Hills Estates Map 3597 Card 2

EMERALD HILLS ESTATES MAP 3597 CARD 2.tif EMERALD HILLS ESTATES, MAP 3597 Card /12. l\(Lot 164- Permit to Wallace B. & Florence L. Calhoun to constr a living room & bedrm addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs 10' rear yd where 20' is req at 650 Pyramid St. betw Kenwood St. & Kelton Rd., Zone R-1-5, condl C-9785 4-1-70 Lot 10- Permit DENIED to Owen & Willie Faye Johnson to maint approx 72' of picket fence 6' hi & erect 12' of picket fence 6 1 hi obs a O' front yd where max 3' hi fence is perm within a 12' estab SB, at 5625 McHugh St betw 56tn St. & Bollenbacher St., Zone R-1-5. Appealed to BZA- DENIED Appealed to CC- APPROVED (Granted) C-10028 NH C-10028 C-10028 8-12-70 10-2-70 12-1-70---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 233- Fermi t to San and Bettye Olds to cons tr, as amended, an 18 '6 11 x 18' two-story fam rm and bedroom addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs 16 1 rear yard where 20' is req, at 5727 Roswell St bet.I 57th and Swaner Sts. Zone R-1-5. C-10454 N.H. 4-20-71 Lot 137- Permit to W. & Corinne Conway to constr. 15' x 23' playroom addn to exist. sin. fam. dwell; addn. to obs 17 <6t' rear yard wnere 20' is req. at 1034 Pyramid St. betw. Swaner St. & Kelton Rd. Zone R-1-5 C-10714 NH 8-11-71- Lor 100-:-perful 'r,- 'to- Gra.nvell-&-Dorls-m11-to-con!it-1e..-!C 20.,_ 111.!!l-m- a1111n.-tn--ertst- s1n----- fam dwell, addn to obs 8' rear yd where 20' is req, Map 3597, at 696 Alvin St. between Kenwood St. & Kelton Road R-1-5 Zone C-10868 11-11-71