Electric Line Addition Block 2
ELECTRIC LINE ADDITION BLOCK 2.tif.. ELECTRIC LINE ADDITION BLOCK 2 Atlantic Street Block 2, Fr Lot 31 Res. No. 61538 4-9-34 Zone R-4 (Ord. 85) Suspended for signs Permit_to_Frank_Faustt_California_Theater_Buildin~__-__ Permit_Expires_4-9-35______________ Block 2- Lots 9-11- Permit to V. M. Hatfield to erect a signboard, Atlantic &_____ N~h'l!11l~-Str~~tl_E~&_NQ&_6l666_:_7:2:3~&--~~:rwit_~~ir~-7:E:35L------------------ Por Lots 10-11- Permit to City, owner, & A. W. Cordtz, Lessee, to maintain 1 exist, single-faced, standard poster panel, SWly corner Pacific Hiway & Nashville St.__________________________________________________ Res._No._3906_______ 5-18-49_____________