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El Cerrito #1 Heights Block 1 Card 1

EL CERRITO #1 HEIGHTS BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif EL CERRITO HEIGH!'$ UNIT NO. 1 Block 1 Ce.rd No. 1 Lot 9- Permit to Berthe L. Moe to constr e.ddn to garage, for storage rm, making total of.---- 6oo sq ft w/no side yd or rear yd at 4625 El Cerrito Dr.________________________________________________________ 3~s_NQ&_l872__________ i1-7-46_______ Lots 19, 20 & 21 (Wly 40')- Permit to JSJlles H. & Marion D. Williams, C. E. & Ethel E. Peterson, Berthe L. Moe, & R. J. Hortie to split off this parcel & use in connec-__________ tion_wLabutting_Lots_7t_8L_&_9;_Condl.________ Res._No._3f3___________ 6-2-48_______ Lot 26, except the Wly 25', & all of Lot 27- SW corner of Adams Ave & Ashby St; Permit / to J. s. Bradshaw to constr single fam res w/5' rear yd on the Sly side of Lot 27. Res. No. 3669 1-26-49 Lot 9 & W 4o of Lot 19- Permit to Berthe L. Moe to constr pergola 30' x 32', 960 sq ft / attached to exist garage & store rm w/no side yds on property & having less than__________ 4~_coverageL_at_4625_El_Cerrito_Dr!_Zone_R-l._____ Res._No._4785______ 6-28-50______ N Lot 20 & all 21 thru 25- Permit too. D. Ginther (c/o Jolly Jack) to excavate approx 2500 cu yd soil, max cut 15', W side Ashby St So of Adams Ave. Res. No. 6642 7-23-52 Lot 26 (except W 25') & all Lot 27- Permit to Johns. Bradshaw, owner, & Andrew L. & Hannah v. Peterson, Purchaser, to split into 2 par & maintain exist single fa.m res on one & erect single fam res on remain par, So side Adams Ave betw El Cerrito & Ashby. Res. No. 6996 11-26-52---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ely 100' of Lot 24- Permit to John B & Elaine M Stodelle to constr single fam res on par not of record at time of zoning, Wly side Ashby St betw Adams & Madison; Condl. Res. No. 8917 5-11-55