Dotty's C.M Addn. Map 1933 Card 2
DOTTY'S C.M ADDN. MAP 1933 CARD 2.tif DOVE HEIGHTS 5 2 6 <:.t ~-~\\ "!> S CARD #2 ~;Lots 1 & 2 Dove Hts. & Lots 11 to 15, Blk. 1, Palm Hts.- Permit to Prudential Ins. Co. & Safeway Stores, Inc. to erec~ & maintain on Lot 2, Dove Hts., one lighted double~faced, ground sign; sign to be mounted on two posts max 55' high with top of sign to be 46 1 in ht., with area of approx 261 sq. ft. each face, consisting of o~ 4'-311 x 21' attl'Ji.ction: board, on 5'-4" x 24' "Safeway" sign, and a 71-6 11 diameter rotating 3afewayi insignia; bottom of lower panel to be '.16 1-3 11 with catwalk 14' above ground; also to relodtte from Lot 2, Dove Hts., to Lot 11, Blk. 1, Palm Hts. (from Washington St. to Univ. Ave.) one 4' x 9 1-10" parking sign (See Gase 7456, 6356 & 6917), 1Zone OP & R-4, 450 W. Washington St. at Washington, Dove & University, condl.. ;: Case No. 7455. .I 11/22/65 ~------------------------------------------------------..,..--------!~:j '.-----------,__;,___.,..,._ Lots l & 2, Dove Hts. & Lots 11-15, Blk. 1, Palm Hts.- Permit to Prudential Ins. Co.:'&,, Safeway Stores, Inc. to relocate one 4 1 x 9'-1011 parking sign from Lot 2, Dove Hts; (adj, to Washington St.) to Lot 11, Blk. 1, Palm Hts. (adj to Univ. Ave.); sign to encroacl:l 50' into estab 50' SB on Univ. Ave., at 450 W. Washington St. betw Dove & Albatross Sts., Zone GP & R-4, condl. Case No. 7456 11/22/65.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------