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Donna Estates Card #1

DONNA ESTATES CARD #1.tif J DONNA ESTATES Col.~ s 1, s I C, 'L-,..., Li 5 ~8-9~, s. Ca/t4 =ir'l Ki Lot 87- Permit to Alice Const. Co. (Leon J. Brile~- to canst sing ram res with rear porch of residence on ea side having 4' side yd, 5521 Reynolds St. Res. #6745 8-20-52 Lot 130- Permit to Alice Const. Co. (Hahn-St. John) to erect sing fam res with 4 side yd NW corn Palin & Reynolds Sts. Res. #6936 10-29-52 Lot 130- Permit to Alice Const. Co. to erect NW corn Palin & Re olds Sts. Lot 11- Permit to Alice Const. Co. to erect NW corn Palin & Reynolds Sts. Lot 176- Permit to Harvey Lee Gibbs to const (5' fence DENIED) sing fam res with 12' setback on Palin, Res. 37 10--52 sing fam res with 12' setback on Palin, Res. No. 6938 10-29-52 4 fence in setback area, at 5102 Logan case No. 132 5-5-54 Lot 82- Permit to Sammy & Yoshie Thomas to constr. 13' x 14' playroom addn. to exist. single fam. dwel 1. addn. to obs. 10' rear yd. where 20' is req; at 5145 Reynolds St. bet. Palin St. & Euclid Ave., Zone R-1-5 frt\.JM,C) 1/'f/"'11 C-10550 6-24-71 Lot 24 Permit to Jane M. Boone to erect & main for a per of 1 yr a sin face, 3'x5 1 over- all ht 9' sub dir sign.,,adv hom~s In Valencia Vie s, 5102 Cervantes St.,Zone R-1-5 ~ ~ ~, /-..2.f'-77' (.;>-dl-7,f}~-"~ ~ I).