Dixon's Subdivision
DIXON'S SUBDIVISION.tif DIXON'S SUBDIVISION- ~o Lots A & B- Conditional permit to Melvin and Nell D, Thompson to redivide Lots A & B into two parcels facing Warrington Street and permit a single fam res on each, Warrington St and Dixon Place. Res. No. 3124 5-5-48 NE 52' Lots A & B- Permit to G. R. & I::e.wn Shaw to const bedroom add to a res, the add to obsv 14 1 6" rear yd on SEly side of Warrington St, Zone R-1. Res 8974 6-8-55 Parcel 2 of Map 8869, Lot 3- AGREEMENT to Victor & Reis Wiglesworth to construct a 3 story single-family dwelling with bar sink in family room and with bar sink in living room, at 3848 Dixon Place, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2587 8-19-80 SWLY 1.12 ft, of Lot 2 & all of Lot 3- ZA DENIED fence variance requst of MICHAEL V. & KAREN E. NEEDHAM, to maintain, currently in violation, a max, 12 1-611 high comb. retaining wall/solid fence within the interior side yard where a max. combined height of 12 1 is permitted, provided that no single plane exceeds 61 in height and that horizontal separation1 are provided in complaince with design criteria, but APPROVED to: (1) maintain approx, 55 lineal ft. of overheight fence along the Nly interior fence as measured from the neighboring property to the North is built in compliance with design criteria;(2) maintain the rear 40' of max. 7'1-" high solid fence located along the nly interior property line as constructed; (3) maintain two pors, of the fence and retaining wall perpendicular to the nly interior side lot line and within the 4' interior side yard to a height coincident with the appeoved fence identified in items No. 1 and 2, located at 3806 Dixon Place, Rl-5000 Zone. Conditions. C-20933 6/24/92 NH