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Development Services

Del Mar Hills #12 Card 1

DEL MAR HILLS #12 CARD 1.tif 4- ~---T,?lf/(l!I:- ' ". 60'' '2..2..-Si. 7. Sl-Jb'1~ Lt <.t~-~ DEL MAR HILLS #12 CARD #1 Lot 293- Permit to Pardee construction Co. for permission to erect one identification sign totaling 160 sq. ft. for Del Mar Hills Unit #12, overall height 29', where max 12' height is perm, at Portofino Dr, Sly of intersection with Shalimar Place, in tne R-1-6 Zone. Cond'l ~~&4J.l)_-J~-zJ...l~--j'l=Z~--(J--5_-JJ..._-:..fJ.NAf._~_JJ>_.f>_-.3..o_-J.1)_J..1',,_______.,.J.,#- r.,_, c-10446JLH. r, 4-1.6-.'71.t Lots 292 thru 297- AGREEMENT #1677 to Pardee Construction Co. to develop proper y for 5 witn sales office in model on lot 293, parking on Lot 292. at Portofino Dr. Agree #1677 4-14-71----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 292 thru 297- AGREEMENT #1680- to Pardee Constr Co. to develop property for 5 model homes with sales office in one model, temporary rest room on Lots 293 and 294 and parking on Lot 292. AGREE #1680 5-4-n------------~------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Lot 230- Pwmit DBIIID to Mark & Millie Revaon to use property tor reaideotial care ha. tor five agect persons vaere int res uae only is perm; at 13213 Mango Dr. 1W cor ot Mango' and Portotino Dri~. Zone R-l-6. C-10$ 9-27-71----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 263- Permit to Dr. L. Carey and Elizabeth Hodges to provide bar sink in proposed recreation room on 1st floor of sin fam residence at 13224 Mango Dr, Zone R-1-6. AGREE#l951 5-2-74----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------