Del Cerro Unit# 11 Card 2
DEL CERRO UNIT# 11 CARD 2.tif DEL C l:'.RRO #i 1 tj6 t{as(,: S 7 '2 l I- '-, l/ "') ~\,- CARD #2 Lot 745 (also Lot 511, Unit #8)- DENIED request of Chester Lee Kluck, Helen Girard Kluck, pnd Temple Emanu-el of San Diego, Owners; Temple Emanu-el of San Diego, Purchaser, to ex-,/pand existing church facility permitted by C-15324 on Lot 511, to include the construction ~ of a new sanctuary, classroom, social hall and offices, located at 6271 and 6299 Capri Dr., Zone R-1-5 C-18298 & 18299 2/2/84 Lot 745 (al~~ni~r~ 8 [ot 511) ZA APPROVED request of CHESTER LEE KLUCK,HELLEN GIRARD KLUCK, & /TEMPLE EMANU-EL of San Diego, CA, Owners; TEMPLE EMANU-EL of San Diego, Purchaser, to remove,./ existing structures & constr. a new church facility consisting of temple, school, social hall, museum and offices. New construction to obs. all yd & parking requirements with parking observing a 10' setback adjoining Del Cerro Blvd. where 15' is reqd & where such use is permitted by CUP only at 6271 & 6299 Capri Drive, Zone Rl-5000, subj to cond. ~ CUP- 18566 9/21/84--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 745(& Por. Lot 511),Unit No. 8- ZA APPROVED CUP Amendment request of TEMPLE 1EMANU-EL A CALIFORNIA NONPROFIT CORPORATION, to permit temporary housing for a max.,, ~ of 12 homeless persons for a max. period of 14 days, not more than twice annually, located at 6271 and 6299 Capri Drive, Rl-5000 Zone. Conditions. CUP-l8566 Amendment 11/20/92---------------------------------------