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Cullen's Westland Terrace Block 3 Card2

CULLEN'S WESTLAND TERRACE BLOCK 3 CARD2.tif..S 7 () {1 ~ I),3 /,-,"nn # 2 CULLEN I s WESTLI\ND TERRACE BLCXX 3 c,o 10,j l-'--"""'-~~ Lot 15- Allen & Galina Bailey requested to construct a two-story addition to an- existing non confonning, single-family dwelling where such enlargeirent is pennitted by variance only. ZA DENIED as requested but APPIDV.ED a one-story addition to an existing non confonning single family dwelling subj. to cond located at 2270 Pentucket Ave, Rl-5000. C-19764 1/7/88 Lot 5- ZA DENIED request of Melvin John Karaffa for reconstruct permit at 2255 Commonwealth Avenue, Rl-5000 zone. C-20085 12/16/89 Board of Zoning Appeals considered the appeal of MELVIN JOHN KARAFFA from DENIAL by the Zoning Administrator to obtain Reconstruction Permit- BZA DENIED appeal for property' located at 2255 Commonwealth Avenue, Zoning Administrator's decision is upheld. (City Council Rule 4 findings could not be C-20085 1/18/89 made, BZA's-decision upheld) Lot 6- Jack and Elsie Harshman to construct an addition to an existing single-family dwelling. Addition to consist of new living room, bedroom and full bath on the first floor and new den, bedroom and full bath on second floor. Exterior access on first floor with interior access from stairway in new living room. Exterior access from second floor from existing doorway at 2227 Commonwealth Avenue, Zone Rl-5000. Agree 4757 9/5/90----------------------------------------- Lot 1, YARD VARIANCE, Approved by DPM, Richard T. Browne, Owner, Request to for a variance to reduce the front yard setback to six (6) feet, where fifteen (15) feet is required per the zone, for the construction of a second story room addition with a deck, Located at 3515 Juniper Street, Rl-5000 Zone. 98-0468 8-05-98