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Crown Point Block 8 Card 2

CROWN POINT BLOCK 8 CARD 2.tif CROWN POINT Lot 1 70- Permit to Octave in R-1 zone Block 8 001ctt?1:s 2z G:--/69s~e"' Fein to ~ect res witn 5' rearyd & 6 1 rearyd for one wing of bldg Bes No. 66478 9-7-37 Res No. 66542 9-21-37 Lot 169- Permit to Octave Fein to erect res with 5' rearyd in R-1 zone, Comm bldg. Res No 66435 8-31-37 Lot 164- Permit to Niles M. & Olga c. Anderson to oonst lounge, dressing rm & bath addn to exist dwell to inc~ude bar & bar sink, & const addn 9' to front of exist attached garage at 3565 Riviera Dr, SE cor La Mancha & Riviera Drs R-1, condl. (Denied request boat port with O' rear yd & addn to bedrm & bath which would obs O' side yd). Case #4403 9-22-61 Lot 164- z. A. considered app of Niles M. & Olga C. Anderson to const lounge dressing rm & bath addn to exist dwell; addn to obs 8 1 to 11' rearyd; to const 7'-3" addn to front of exist att gar; & to enlarge bedrm & bath of exist dwell; enlargement to obs 2' sideyd on S'ly side, where 5' sideyd & 20' rearyd is req, at 3565 Riviera Dr., R-1 Zone and nas DENIED the requested 2' sideyd on the S side, butnAPPROVED the const of the lounge & dressing rm (incl bar & bar sink) & bath addn to obs rearyd ranging from 8 1 to 11'; i APPROVED tbe 7'-3" addn to front of tbe exist gar; & APPROVED the enlargement of exist lledrm a addn of bath with 4' sideyd on the S & eave 2' from the S lot line,.Cond '1. Case #5269 11-2-62