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Development Services

Crown Point Block 3

CROWN POINT BLOCK 3.tif CROWN POINT Block 3 tJ0!1.?//_5-----?? e,.,,_ I 0 f C ~ Lot 71- Permit to Hazel N Masica to maintain 15'xl7' pergola wtth no sideyard & only 50 1 from prop line, 3639 Ingraham St, prov the pergola is kept open at all times Res No 2576 10-22-47 Lot 53- Permit to J, A.~ Amy Mello to erect approx 24' reinforced cone blk wall, 8 1 betw res & gar, 3670 Yosemite Res No 4676 5-17-50 Lot 70- Permit to Dr. James R, & Angeline C. Bobbitt to const 2 car gar, maid's rm &3/4 bath att 10' rearyard, l' sideyd, 3633 Ingraham Res No 4306 11-30-49..