Crown Point Block 17
CROWN POINT BLOCK 17.tif r.~ to't=;6r:~=~-~:;~tai~~~~le ~~ re~~ s~{~~~a':?7~??:;:;tt~s"WIIL.. Classification of Use- Gorditional permit Res #91479 11-3-48 "91- To Murrarz J Ellingsworth and Luther G. Gook Lot 366- Permit DENIED to FM Sawyer, owner & KL Hutchinson, lessee, to erect double- faced neon sign, 12'x4'9", at R/A to f,;.ce of bldg on pylon, 3465 Ingraham,.tl.e~. l;Q 74,?'j lo. 6-10-53 Lot 366- Appeal by Daniel HR Pain, atty, for Sawyer f,: Hutchinson, Res. 7473 ABOVE, filed. NO ACTICN. CC-" 113047."..i.,:c fl-Sl-53'7 Swly 25 1 Lot 365- Permit to George J Russ & Ben F. Moore to erect store bldg with 18 SB Ingraham St. near corner of La Cima Dr. Res No. 2448 8-13-47 Lot 366- exercise studio at 3465 Ingraham St permitted with -ovisions *Classification of Use. CC #1 68 0 12-20- 6 Lot 36 & por 365- permit to Geo J & Birde;i Russ, own; X-Onic Corp. les to use premises for research purposes, small electronic items, sales eng, bus off (no mfg) cond'l C-4033 5-19-61------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 366 & par 365- Permit to Mr. & ~s. George J. Russ to sell antiques & used furniture in commercial buildi~ located on Lot 366 & por of Lot 365 betw bayonne St & Yosemite St at 3461 Ingraham St. R-C tone. Cond'l C-4648 1-19-62