Crown Point Block 12 Card 1
CROWN POINT BLOCK 12 CARD 1.tif CROWN POINT BLOCK 12 oc/ S~!I 5 2. z.. t... lb 9 S-- c5.1.~ Lot 246- Permit to Horace & Marie Moore to const 12 1:x:20 1 storage & workshop addn with bath to exist gar, addn to have 5 1 rear yd & 3' side yd, & maintain 2 1 trellis above exist 6 1 blk wall, at.3571 Ingraham, (cond'l) Res. No. 8492 9-29-54 Lot 267- Permit to Kenneth J & Jean E. Charles to const addn to exist res having 15' rear yd (20 1) the addn to observe 4 1 611 side yd (5 1 re.:;.} at.356o Yo:,emite St. Case No. 28::>- 11-8-55 Lot 257- Permit to DaL Thomas to erect neon adv sign on exi:c;t tower over store bldg, 3503 Ingrahm St. said sign not to go beyond tt,e dimensions of the existing tower, sub. to arch approv of final plans for the sign by the Planning Dept. Res lfo .3372 8-25-48----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 266- Permit to Mary T. Fuller to const bedrm,, family rm, & utility rm addn to rear of exist sifi;g fam res; addn to obs 20 1 rear ydJ& result in approx 42.5% coverage of lot where 20 1 rear yd is req & 4af, coverage is perm, at.3552 Yosemite St., R-1, cond 1l. Case No. 6105 ll.,;20-6.3------7------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 240- Horace & r-~arie Moore- const a 12 1 x 20 1 storage and work shop addition with bath to an existing gar, the addition to have a 51 rear yd and 3 1 side yd. AGREEMENT #820 Res No. 8492 9-29-54