Crossroads Mission Valley Card 1
CROSSROADS MISSION VALLEY CARD 1.tif CROSSROADS MISSION VALLEY- Card Ill ~ Lot 5- Permit DENIED.. ~ Crossroads Associa.tes to construct (as AMEBBED} four multi-story office buildings providing 619 parking spaces where 790 are required, on Camino del Rio South be:qn Highway 8 and end of cul-de-sac, Zone Co. Appealed to BZA- Appeal DENIED (7-3-74) C-12,447 3-7-74---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 5- Permit to Crossroads, Associates for Land Conservation Permit to develop property iocated at the Interstate 8 South betw State Highwey 163 and Camino del Rio South, Zones CO and CO (LC) zones. LC-46 9-10-74 ' c;;-5-[p;;-2,--P.-M.--3545f-:-p;;;i;;;-J;i;;ls-;;;i-c-;s;u-t-~-b-rr;As_s_n--t-;-rrr-e-;ec-t-ro-9-.-5- sq. ft. dble-faced, ii!um ID gr sign 9 1-611 high where wall signs only are perm; (2) erect two 42 sq. ft. wall signs (84 sq. ft.) where total of 67,5 sq. ft. of wall signs are perm, 480 Camino del Rio South, Zone CO- DENIED(!) as requested but APPROVED double-faced ID gr sign approx 2~ sq ft. on ea face with max ht 4 1; (2) APPROVED. C-13315 10-17-75 Parcel A of P.M. 7345--Lots I, 2 & 4- Permit GRANTED to LAND L. DEVELOPMENT, owner/ pennittee, to construct and operate a Planned Commercial Development located on the west side of Rancho Penasquitos Boulevard between lnt~rstate 15 and Paseo Montril, Zone R-1-5, CR and CA (proposed CA). ~~ \0-~\-&0 PCD #79 8-14-80 EXTENSION OF TIME AND AMENDMENT TO EXPIRE 10-10-84 (11-12-82)