Crittendens Addn. Block 8 Card 1
CRITTENDENS ADDN. BLOCK 8 CARD 1.tif, CR:r'~m> E?i s ADD BLOCK e o t')tt, 3 e1. 3 5 2 ' l5,_ 1 "> Z-/ ~ 1 E 90' of ~ts 30-31: Variance to restrictions of (Ord. 12988) granted to allow a single- familynresidence, by Res. 74724, dated Jul 29, 1941. Permit to Agnes A. and Willard Watson 3729-7th Avenue, Lots 11 and 12- Permit to S, H.J. Neumann to erect a gar. 10' x 30' in size, with no sideyard and 40' back from front property line at 3643-7th Avenue. Res. No, 2848 2 11 48 Lot 2- Permit to Robert S, & Nelle S, Hamilton to erect gar with 0' SB, 3 30 tn Ave. Res. No. 7479 6/10/53 W 89.6 1 of Lots 23 & 24, Permit to John A. & Eunice L. Krause to const bedrm addn to exiilt sing fam res obs all yd req. with exist 560 sq ft ~ar obs 3' rear yd (lO'req) 3693- 7th Ave R-4 condl. NH. Case 4390 7 61) Lot 23 & 2 exc. westerly 9. '- Permit to Mrs. Paul Markowitz to const. 10' x 12' sunshade struct. add. to exist.:f'onn unit apt. bldg. that obs. 0' side yrd. on alley & 3 16 11 rear yd. where min. 10' rear yd. is req. add. to result in 6f!fl, cover. where a max. of 561, cover. is per at 721 E. Pennsylvania between 7th Ave and 8th Ave. Z~ne R-4 Case No. 6776 10-30-64 Lots 17 & 18- Permit to Mr, and Mrs. James E. Miller, 1$62 Sandalwood Ave.~ El Centro, Calif, to coniltr 8-unit aptmnt bldg w/parking at front to be 16 1 6 111 from curb line where 18 1 0 11 is req; 3667 7th Ave. betw Brookes & Pennsylvania Aves; Zone R-4. Case No. 7405 10-21-65 Lots 1-10 and Lots 38-48, Block 3- Permit to Sixth Avenue Investment and Development Co. to develop subject property located on both sides of Seventh Ave betw Brookes Ave and Pennsylvania Ave. and portion of, proposed Seventh Avenue closing. zone R-4, LC,Overlay LC-3 2-1-72