Crittendens Addn. Block 2 Card 2
CRITTENDENS ADDN. BLOCK 2 CARD 2.tif CR!TTENDSN'.~ ADDN. Lot 32- 36 AGREEMENT /1968 to nook in existing sin fam res.-,,---~~-.~-~~.,,..,;CK~-~2=--a,a~cf.,.,,,,.,..'"'"""'3'~~~-3 21,, difl-k 3 Frederick & Ruth E. Ayers to install bar sink in brealfast February 18, 1958 Lots 17,18 & S10' of Lot 19- Permit DENIED to Ben w. Hammrick to provide, as amended, 6 off-street park spaces in front for exist 10 unit apt building tnat is now providing only 4 spaces in the rear; parking spaces will obs 0' SB from exist property line & 5 1 9 11 from existing curb, wnere a street widening SB varying from 27' at Upas to 24 16 11 at Brookes is req & 18' from new curb line & 3' from new property line is req at 35n 6th Aven betw Upas St. & Brookes Ave., Zone R-4. C-9'797 4-10-70 APPEAL GRANTED 6-:,2-10___________________________________________________________________ Lots 45 & 46- ZA APPROVED the Amended request of ROBERT M. & TONI MICHETTI to constr. a detached 2-car garage, on lot with existing SFD & detached garage; new garage to 1) obs. a O' rear yd where a 4 1 rear yd is reqd; & 2) result in a floor area ratio of.61 where a ratio of.60 is the max, permitted at 3530 seventh Ave., Zone Rl-5000 with cond. c-18626 11116/84 Lots 47-50-ZA approved request of DAVIS C & GWEN B LECKRON to remove a 6 1- existing wood fence located on side (South) property line; replace it with a solid stucco wall, varying in height from 6' to 8'6", where max. height per- mitted for a solid fence in side yard setback is 6'--subj. to conds. Map No. 303, located at 3526-7th Ave., Zone Rl-8000. C-19363 12.-08-86-----------------------------------------------------------------------------