Crittendens Addn. Block 2 Card 1
CRITTENDENS ADDN. BLOCK 2 CARD 1.tif Block 2, Lots 14-16- 3561-6th Ave. Res. 71277, Apr 30, 1940. Expires 4/30/1943. To operate a convalescent home. Permit to Margaret Swenson, (for a period of 3 years from date). Lots 19 to 21, permit to Florence G. Utt to operate a sanitarium, 3583- 6th Avenue, ext. of time for one ear Res. No. 65337 Dec. 29 1936 Ext. of one year on above res. granted 111 37 by Res. 797, Revoked by Res. 67476 on 4/19/38 N 11' Lot 11 & all Lots 12 & 13- Permit to E. Monroe & Myrtle D. Foster to remove exist gar / & const 2 car gar with apt above, making 3 units, one served by 5' access ct, at 3553 Sixth Ave,!Jl 3 park spaces to be prov. Res. No. 8396 8-4-54 Lots 26, 27, 28, Permit to Ira H. & Rebekah Wilson to const sin farn res with attach carport v in front of res, to observe 0 SB (30' req) on W siee of 7th Ave betw Upas & Brookes, Zone R-1, cond'l Case #2li6 1~31-58 N 11' Lot 11, all Lots 12 & 13, Permit to E. Monroe & Myrtle Foster to add 4-unit apt. to exist duplex, making 7 units, exist duplex 0' side yd (5' req), aptm over gar obs 5' access 3553-6tn Ave., Zone R-4, cond'l Case f/2159 12-1-58 Lots 26 to 28- ZA APPROVED request of KATHERINE & PAUL BLACK to (1) enclose a previously approved, attached carport observing a 0'-0" front!)'ard where 25'-0" is currently required; and (2) construct a new entry and covered entry walk (portion to encroach into the public right-of-way) to the existing single-family residence, observing a 0'-0" front yard where 25'-0'' is required; at 3588 Seventh Avenue, Rl-20,000 Zone, Hillside Review Overlay Zone. C-20395 10-20-89