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Congress Heights Addn. Card 5

CONGRESS HEIGHTS ADDN. CARD 5.tif,:~==-~:00~~~~~:::.::....:~t;~~~ ~.:.In =]~SB S- trom Malden St. where max 3' h4,gb fence is perm in req 15' SB at 16o2 Collingwood Br. SW cor Malden St. & Zone R-1-5 condl 5-13-64 Lot 164- Permit to Pat A. and Irene Garrison to constr detached hobby room, den and Laundry addn witn bar sink in hobby room to exist sin fam dwell, at 1672 Beryl St. Zone R-l-5 AGREE /11732 l-l0-72 Lot 159- AGREEMENT to Manuel J. Fuentes B. by Cynthia ~0uck Fuentes, atty in fact, to maintain exist sink in rumpus rm on lower level, at 1637 Monmouth Dr., Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2253 3/11/77----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Lots 153 & 154- ZA APPROVED request of PHILLIP & CHRISTINE JORDAN to l) constr. a SFD observing a 7 1611 front yd; where a 15 1 front yd is reqd at 4944 Collingwood Drive, Zone Rl- 5000, subj to conds. C-18862 7/19/85 ~t-i12~:-0ENIAL-i;-~-~;:~i:lruice-sought_by_GEDRGE-R:-&-THID'IA-W:-1RIDINO--(FAMILY-TRUST)___ wconstruct a three-story single-family dwelling (1) 33.3 ft. in height where 30'0" is max. permitted; (2) 77.8 floor area ration where.60 is permitted; (3) attached garage to observe O ' 0 11 rear yard where 4, O II is requited,; (4) attached garage to observe O' 0" east side yard where 4'0"is required- rot 172, Congress Heights Addition, Map 1627, at 1752 Beryl St. ~ Rl-SOfJR, Coastal Zone, Proposition "D" Coastal Height Limit Zone a.t oy C-19678 7-24-87--------- ~--~